Preparing your OWL GroundAware system for integration with Security Center - Restricted Security Area Surveillance

RSA Surveillance Integration Guide for OWL GroundAware Radar Systems

Applies to
Restricted Security Area Surveillance
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Integration guides
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Restricted Security Area Surveillance

To prepare your Observation Without Limits (OWL) GroundAware radar system for integration with Security Center, you must configure specific settings.

Before you begin

  • Make sure that your OWL GroundAware system is operating as per the manufacturer's specifications.
  • Make sure that your OWL GroundAware devices and software are compatible with the RSA Surveillance plugin. For the latest compatibility information, see Supported plugins in Security Center on the Genetec TechDoc Hub.

What you should know

This task describes in a general way how the OWL GroundAware system needs to be configured for it to communicate with the plugin. For specific details about the configuration of your devices and software, refer to the OWL GroundAware documentation.
NOTE: For technical support questions regarding this integration, contact the device manufacturer directly.


  1. Open the GroundAware web client.
  2. From the Admin Tools Menu, click Integration management.
  3. Add a new integration for the Restricted Security Area Surveillance plugin.
  4. In the Tracks Port and Information Port fields, specify unique port numbers.
    The GroundAware system is now ready for integration with Security Center.