Adding the intrusion panels, areas, and inputs to alarm receivers - Receiver 3.1

Receiver Intrusion Detection Extension Guide 3.1

Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

After you have added an alarm receiver to Security Center, you create the related intrusion panels (alarm panels), areas, and inputs.

Before you begin

  • Add the alarm receiver to the Intrusion Manager role.
  • Get the account code of the intrusion panels that are connected to the receiver and that you want to add to Security Center.
  • Take note of the IDs of the areas and inputs that you want to add to the receiver.

What you should know

  • For DMP only, the first time an event is reported by an unmapped area or input of a mapped intrusion panel, the extension automatically creates and maps that area or input. This means you can choose to add the intrusion panels only and let the extension add the areas and inputs automatically.
  • If you need to rename an entity, go to the Area view task, select the entity, and change its name on the Identity tab. Names cannot be changed from the Unit mapping tab.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Intrusion detection task.
  2. Select the receiver unit from the entity tree.
  3. Click the Unit mappings tab.
  4. Add an intrusion panel to the selected receiver by doing the following:
    1. Under the unit table, click the Add (Add button under intrusion panel table) button.
    2. Enter a name for the panel and the account code for the panel.
    3. Click the Add button.
    The intrusion panel is listed in the first table.
  5. Add an area to the selected intrusion panel by doing the following:
    1. Select an intrusion panel from the first table.
    2. Under the Areas table, click the Add (Add button under Areas table) button.
    3. Enter the ID number of the area. A valid entry is a number between 1 and 9999.
    4. Enter a unique and descriptive name for the area you are adding.
    5. Click the Add button.
    The area is listed in the Areas table.
  6. Add an input to the selected area by doing the following:
    1. Select an intrusion panel from the first table.
    2. Select an area from the Areas table.
    3. Under the Area inputs table, click the Add () button.
    4. Enter the ID number of the input. A valid entry is a number between 1 and 9999.
    5. Enter a unique and descriptive name for the input.
    6. Click the Add button.
      The input is listed in the Area inputs table.


Mapping panels, areas, and inputs to alarm receivers.

The intrusion panel, area, and input are listed under the receiver unit in the Area view task.

Area view task showing alarm receiver, intrusion panel, area, and input entities

After you finish