Investigating Receiver events - Receiver 3.2.0

Receiver Intrusion Detection Extension Guide 3.2.0

Applies to
Receiver 3.2.0
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides

You can investigate events related to the alarm receivers and the connected intrusion panels, areas, and units, using the Receiver activities report.

Before you begin

To generate this report, you require the following privileges:
  • Intrusion detection unit events
  • Receiver activity report

What you should know

The Receiver activities task is an investigation task that reports on the events sent by alarm receivers and connected intrusion panels. There is a receiver activities report for each manufacturer supported by the Receiver extension.
Tip: All custom events are listed in the System task, under General settings > Events.


  1. From the homepage, open the ManufacturerName receiver activities task.
  2. Set up the query filters for your report. Choose one or more of the following filters:
    Select the entities that you want to investigate. You can restrict the search to activities that took place at certain receivers, intrusion panels, areas, and inputs. You can filter the entities by name and by type.
    Scroll down to the Custom events category and select the events of interest.
    Time selection
    Time selection is the time range for the report. You can set the following time filters:
    Time range
    Use the During the last and Specific range filters to list all events within a given time range.
    Specific time
    Use the Now filter to generate a list of current events, or use the Specific date filter to generate a list of events for a time in the past.
  3. Click Generate report.
    The events are listed in the report pane.

  4. To show the corresponding video of an event in a tile, double-click or drag the item from the report pane to the canvas.
  5. To control the video in the tiles, use the widgets in the dashboard.