Integration overview for the RSA Surveillance plugin - Restricted Security Area Surveillance 4.2

Restricted Security Area Surveillance Plugin Guide 4.2

Restricted Security Area Surveillance
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

To integrate a tracking system and devices in Security Center using the Restricted Security Area Surveillance plugin, you must follow a series of steps.

Step Task Where to find more information
Understand prerequisites and key issues before deploying
1 Learn what you can do using the plugin.
2 Before installing the plugin, read the release notes to learn about new features, and to understand the requirements and known issues.
3 Learn about the different components and how they connect together.
4 Ensure that the server where the plugin will be installed meets the recommended system requirements and is running a compatible version of Security Center.
Prepare Security Center
5 Verify that the Security Center license has a valid certificate for the plugin. Go to the Config Tool homepage, click About > Certificates, and confirm that Restricted Security Area Surveillance is in the list.
6 In Security Center, create a georeferenced map.
7 If you have video surveillance cameras, make sure that the Omnicast™ features are enabled, and that all cameras are added to Security Center and are functioning as required.
Deploy the plugin
8 On the Security Center expansion server, download the plugin and install it.
9 Grant user privileges.
10 In Config Tool, create the RSA Surveillance plugin role.
11 Schedule regular cleaning and backing up of the plugin database.
12 From the plugin role, configure the connection settings for RabbitMQ.
13 Create the alarms that you want to receive when intrusions are detected.
14 Perform optional plugin configurations.
15 Set up Genetec Mission Control™ and the Restricted Security Area Surveillance plugin so that operators can use the Incident Manager task to monitor and manage intrusions detected in RSA zones.
Configure your tracking system and devices for integration
16 Make sure that your devices and software are compatible with the plugin.

As a minimum, the Restricted Security Area Surveillance plugin requires Security Center 5.8.

17 Make sure that your tracking system and devices are operating as expected.
  • Refer to the manufacturer documentation for your device.
18 Prepare your tracking system and devices for integration with Security Center.
  • Refer to the RSA Surveillance Integration Guide corresponding to your tracking system.
19 If your network security policies require port blocking, open the ports used by the plugin and your system on your routers, switches, and IP devices.
  • Refer to the documentation for your IP devices.
20 Confirm that the tracking system and the plugin server are configured with the same date, time, and time zone.
  • Refer to your Windows help system.
Add your tracking system to Security Center
21 Verify that you have enough licenses available for the type of tracking system that you want to add.
22 From the plugin role, add your tracking systems and devices.
  • Refer to the section in this guide for your tracking system.
Configure RSA zones and RSA perimeters
23 Create RSA zones and associate them to cameras.
24 Configure the RSA zones.
25 For perimeter intrusion detection systems, create RSA perimeters.
Configure settings for monitoring restricted areas
26 Configure the plugin to use native or custom events to create RSA targets.
Confirm that the integration works as expected
27 Confirm that you can arm and disarm RSA zones.
28 Confirm that you can monitor video when a target enters an RSA zone.
29 For perimeter intrusion detection systems, confirm that you can arm and disarm a perimeter.
30 Confirm that you see RSA Surveillance events, and alarms in the related Security Center reports.
Set up your operator workstations
31 Install the plugin on each Security Center client workstation from which you want to monitor RSA zones.
NOTE: When the plugin is installed on a Security Center server but not on your Security Center client workstation, the client receives events and alarms from the tracking system, which you can view in the Monitoring task and the Event window. To see RSA zones on maps, you must install the plugin on your Security Center workstation.
32 In the Security Desk Monitoring task, add the Restricted Security Area Surveillance role to the Event monitoring list and enable alarm monitoring.
33 Confirm that your workstation works as expected. If it does, you have successfully completed the integration.
  • Do steps 27 to 30.