Showing and hiding RSA elements on Security Desk maps - Restricted Security Area Surveillance 4.2

Restricted Security Area Surveillance Plugin Guide 4.2

Restricted Security Area Surveillance
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

Each type of tracking system is displayed on a separate layer of a map. A Security Desk operator can hide map layers when they need to focus their attention on a specific intrusion or type of tracking system.

What you should know

By default, all layers are displayed.
The following layers are included in the RSA Surveillance plugin:
RSA zone
This map layer shows the zones that were created or imported in the RSA Surveillance role.
RSA report area
Applies to the RSA investigation task. This map layer shows the area selected in the query to be included in the report.
Heat map
Applies to the RSA investigation task. This map layer shows the density distribution of the targets on a map.
Report targets
Applies to the RSA investigation task. This map layer shows the target icon.
Report target path
Applies to the RSA investigation task. This map layer shows the target's path.
This map layer shows the icons that represent intruders. For example, the rabbit, which is used to represent an animal.
Target path
This map layer shows the path of detected targets.
This map layer shows the icons that represents the lasers.
This map layer shows the icons that represent the radars.
This map layer shows outlines that represent the perimeter of a fence or virtual wall.
Short-range sensor
This map layer shows the icons that represent the short-range sensors.
Target information
This map layer shows the number of targets currently active in an RSA zone.


To configure the layers to show by default on a map:
