How does RSA Surveillance select cameras for target tracking and alarm display? - Restricted Security Area Surveillance 4.3

Restricted Security Area Surveillance Plugin Guide 4.3

Applies to
Restricted Security Area Surveillance 4.3
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Restricted Security Area Surveillance

To determine the best camera to use when tracking a target or displaying an intrusion alarm, RSA Surveillance relies on a set of rules called the camera selection algorithm.

The system selects the best camera based on the following algorithm:
  • The camera must be eligible.

    This means that the camera is online and have a FoV configured on the map where the target is displayed. Depending on the context, the cameras being considered might be limited to the ones assigned to an RSA zone.

  • The closest camera that has the target in its FoV is selected. The system takes into account the walls configured on the map that can block the cameras' FoV.
  • If the selected camera is a PTZ camera, the system does the following:
    • Pans the camera so the target is centered in the camera's FoV.
    • Adjusts the zoom level to follow the Auto-zoom setting configured for the RSA Surveillance plugin.

    If someone with a user level higher than that of the RSA server user has locked the PTZ, the system uses the next best camera it can find.

  • If no eligible cameras can see the target, the system falls back on the camera list configured for the RSA zone.
    • If it is for target tracking, the system displays the first camera in the list.
    • If it is for alarm display, the system displays all the cameras in the list in a circular fashion.