Connecting the SALTO Virtual Network plugin role to the SALTO SHIP server - SALTO Virtual Network 3.2

SALTO Virtual Network (SVN) Plugin Guide 3.2

SALTO Virtual Network
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

To monitor entities and events from SALTO ProAccess SPACE in Security Center, you must connect the SALTO Virtual Network plugin role to the SALTO SHIP server.

Before you begin

What you should know

Only specific configuration settings are described here. For more information about generic Config Tool settings, such as the Identity settings, see Common configuration tabs.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Plugins task.
  2. Select the SALTO role, and then click the Properties tab.
  3. In the Host option, enter the inbound TCP/IP address or computer hostname of the SALTO SHIP server.
  4. In the Port box, enter the inbound TCP/IP network port used by the SALTO SHIP server and SALTO Virtual Network plugin to communicate.
    IMPORTANT: This is the port number you entered when enabling the SALTO SHIP server. This port is different from the one used by the SALTO ProAccess SPACE web interface.
  5. Click Apply.


When the plugin connects to the SALTO SHIP server, the Server status changes from Disconnected to Connected.