Custom events added by the SPS CheckPoint plugin - SPS CheckPoint 3.0

SPS CheckPoint Plugin Guide 3.0

SPS CheckPoint
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

The SPS CheckPoint plugin adds custom events to Security Center. These events can be used as query filters in activity reports, to create event-to-actions, start a tour, and complete a checkpoint.

IMPORTANT: If these events are not displayed in the Custom events list in Config Tool, the plugin is not installed on the local computer.
Custom event Source entity Description
Checkpoint reached Role The guard reached the checkpoint.
Checkpoint reached early Role The guard reached the checkpoint earlier than the minimum allotted time.
Checkpoint not reached on time Role The guard reached the checkpoint later than the maximum allotted time.
Checkpoint missed Role The guard missed this checkpoint by completing another checkpoint out of sequence.
Tour started Role The guard or another user started the tour.
Tour completed Role All checkpoints were reached, so the tour is finished.
Tour not completed on time Role The guard finished the tour later that the allotted time.
Tour canceled Role A user canceled the tour.