Discover the reports added to Security Center by the SPS CheckPoint plugin.
The following reports are available in the Security Patrol System section of the Security Desk Tasks page.
- Tour history
- The Tour history task is the Security Patrol System (SPS) CheckPoint task that you use to investigate when tours were completed, canceled, late, and on time; and what manual actions were performed, by whom, and when.
- Checkpoint history
- The Checkpoint history task is a Security Patrol System (SPS) CheckPoint task that you use to investigate when checkpoints were badged, skipped, late, extended, and canceled.
- Tour statistics
- The Tour statistics task is the Security Patrol System (SPS) CheckPoint task that you use to investigate how often tours and checkpoints were completed on time, early or late.
- Tour audit trails
- The Tour audit trails task is the Security Patrol System (SPS) CheckPoint task that you use to investigate which users created, updated, and deleted tours and checkpoints, and when.