To associate a user’s metadata with individual Genetec Patroller™ reads and hits so you can query and filter for those user custom fields in Security Desk Reads and Hits reports, you can add user custom fields to ALPR annotation fields.
Before you begin
- Configure Genetec Patroller™ to require a username and/or password to log on (see the Genetec Patroller™ Administrator Guide).
What you should know
- Create the custom field that applies to user entities.
- Define the custom field for your Genetec Patroller™ users.
- Add the custom field as an annotation field.
The custom field is now available as two separate columns in Security Desk “Reads” and “Hits” reports. One is a Custom field column that displays the latest value configured for the User entity. The other column is an Annotation field column that displays the value for the User entity when the read or hit was stored by the ALPR Manager role.