Creating permit restrictions - Security Center 5.10

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.10

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

You can add a permit restriction entity in Security Center Config Tool to apply restrictions to a permit. After you create the entity, you’ll configure its settings for your enforcement scenario.

What you should know

  • In University Parking Enforcement, you need to apply restrictions to the permits you add, to create an enforcement rule. Genetec Patroller™ downloads permit restrictions when it connects to Security Center.
  • You can apply permit restrictions to AutoVu™ Free-Flow parking rules.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, click ALPR > Permits restrictions, and then click Permit restriction ().

    A new permit restriction entity is added in the list of all the permit restrictions on your system.

  2. In the Identity tab, enter the required information:
    In City Parking Enforcement, this name appears in Genetec Patroller™ on the overtime rule selection page. In University Parking Enforcement, this name appears appended to the parking lot name on the zone selection page.
    Tip: Choose a name that describes the details of the enforcement scenario. This makes it easier to select it in Genetec Patroller™ when you have more than one available.
    (Optional) Description
    You can add a longer description for the rule. This field does not appear in Genetec Patroller™.
    (Optional) Logical ID
    Enter a Logical ID if applicable.
  3. Click Apply.