Testing cardholder access rights based on credentials - Security Center 5.10

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.10

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

You can diagnose why a cardholder with a given credential can, or cannot access a given door or elevator, at a given date and time, using the Access troubleshooter tab in the Access troubleshooter tool.


  1. From the home page, click Tools > Access troubleshooter.
  2. In the Access troubleshooter dialog box, click the Access diagnosis () tab.
  3. Select the date and time you want to the troubleshooter to base its evaluation on.
  4. Select the cardholder you want to examine. Instead of a cardholder, you can also select a credential or a visitor.
  5. If the selected cardholder has more than one credential, specify the one you want to examine.
  6. Select an access point to examine.
    • If you select a door, specify a door side.
    • If you select an elevator, specify a floor.
  7. Click Go.


The troubleshooter produces a diagnosis based on the current system configuration, taking into consideration the access rules, and both the cardholder’s and the credential’s activation and expiration dates.