About Free-Flow - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
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Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

In parking facilities where the entrance and exit are monitored by Sharp ALPR units, the AutoVu™ Free-Flow feature in Security Center increases parking enforcement efficiency by providing a real-time inventory of parking violations.

Using the Free-Flow feature, you can manage transient parking, where vehicle owners pay for hourly parking, and contract permit parking for employee, student, or residential parking. The system records the license plates of vehicles entering and exiting the parking zone and compares them to the list of permit holders and payments received through Pay-by-Plate Sync enabled pay stations and mobile parking apps. Vehicles parked beyond their purchased time are automatically marked as violations awaiting enforcement.

In some parking facilities, parking attendants are responsible for manually issuing citations. In this scenario, based on the information provided by the Free-Flow system, you can increase operational efficiency by dispatching attendants to the parking facilities that contain the highest number of violations.

CONVENIENCE TIME PAID TIME GRACE PERIOD VIOLATION ENFORCED The vehicle's license plate and arrival time are captured. Parking time is purchased through connected pay stations or mobile apps. Vehicle is added to enforcement lists and synchronized to patrol vehicles. The vehicle's license plate and exit time are captured. Patrons are granted a configurable grace period to exit the lot of purchase more parking time. Once an officer issues a citation, the vehicle's status is updated in the back office. Vehicle arrives Parking time expires Enforcement Parking time purchased Grace period ends Vehicle exits

Free-Flow lets you do the following:

  • Using the Pay-by-Plate Sync plugin, Free-Flow can also integrate with third-party parking permit providers. You can consolidate multiple third-party license plate-enabled parking (LEP) systems into a single parking solution. Vehicle owners can then pay for metered parking and extend their parking time before they are in violation.
  • You can merge Pay-by-Plate Sync’s dynamic permits with Security Center static permits. This allows you to define weekly or monthly permits in addition to using permits from third-party providers.
  • The system can generate an XML file of violations that your ticketing management system can use.
  • You can generate violation reports in PDF, CSV, and Excel formats, as well as on-screen reports. If your parking installation includes a Genetec Patroller™ unit (the in-vehicle application), the system can generate a hotlist of vehicles in violation to be used for mobile enforcement.
  • If you need to manage parking lots where parking spots are leased to tenants, you can install the Free-Flow plugin.
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