About minimal cardholder synchronization - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
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Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

Minimal cardholder synchronization is a feature designed for large systems to optimize cardholder synchronization between Access Manager roles and their access control units. When the feature is enabled, Access Manager roles take into consideration the access rules cardholders are part of before pushing their updates to their units. Without this feature, all active cardholders are synced with all access control units.

System design guidelines

To make the most out of using the minimal cardholder synchronization feature, consider the following:
  • This feature is only recommended for systems with at least 250,000 active cardholders. It would not benefit smaller systems.
  • Because this feature works per Access Manager role, ensure that your access control units are optimally distributed among your Access Manager roles, and that the correct access control units control your areas and doors.

    For example, if your system is used to manage sites in different cities, create one Access Manager role per city, and then add the access control units that control the doors for that city.

    Best Practice: To maximize the benefits of this feature, keep the unit type under each Access Manager role consistent.
  • An access rule should only be applied to doors and elevators that are controlled by access control units managed by the same Access Manager role. Do not apply an access rule to doors that are controlled by access control units managed by different Access Manager roles.
  • Do not assign the All cardholders cardholder group to access rules. If you use this cardholder group for your access rules, all the cardholders in your system will be synchronized to each of your access control units.

How cardholder synchronization works when this feature is disabled

All access control units have the same number of cardholders synchronized, even if the units are managed by different Access Manager roles.
  • When a cardholder or its credential is modified, all access control units in your system are synchronized with the same set of cardholders. Cardholders are pushed when they meet the following criteria:
    • Their status is Active.
    • They have at least one active credential.
    • They are part of any access rule applied to any door or elevator, regardless of whether or not they are controlled by an access control unit managed by the Access Manager role.

How cardholder synchronization works when this feature is enabled

Only access control units that are managed by the same Access Manager role have the same number of cardholders synchronized.
  • When a cardholder or its credential is modified, or when access rules, doors, elevators, and areas related to cardholders are modified, each Access Manager role synchronizes a set of cardholders to the access control units that it manages. Cardholders are pushed when they meet the following criteria:
    • Their status is Active.
    • They have at least one active credential.
    • They are part of an access rule applied to a door or elevator controlled by an access control unit managed by the Access Manager role.