About permit restrictions - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

A permit restriction is an entity that applies time restrictions to a series of parking permits for a given parking area. Permit restrictions can be used by patrol vehicles configured for University Parking Enforcement and for systems that use the AutoVu™ Free-Flow feature.

Different time restrictions can be applied to different permits. For example, a permit restriction may limit the parking in zone A from Monday to Wednesday for permit P1 holders, and from Thursday to Sunday for permit P2 holders.

The permit restriction entity is a type of hit rule. A hit rule is a method used by AutoVu™ to identify vehicles of interest. Other types of hit rules include hotlist, overtime, and permit. When a plate read matches a hit rule, it is called a hit. When a plate read matches a permit restriction, it generates a permit hit. Additionally, a shared permit hit occurs when two plates sharing the same permit ID are read in the same parking area within a specific time period.