Adding HID access control units - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

To control access in your system, and monitor access control-related events in Security Center, you must add access control units to an Access Manager.

Before you begin

What you should know

This section only covers adding HID units. For information about adding Synergis™ units, see Preparing to configure Synergis units.


  1. Open the Access control task, and click the Roles and units view.
  2. Click Access control unit ().
  3. From the Network endpoint list in the Unit information page, select the Access Manager that will manage the unit.
  4. Click Unit type and select HID VertX.
    If the HID VertX unit type is not available, it means that the extension has not been added in the Access Manager.
  5. Enter the IP address of the HID unit.
  6. Verify that the Secure mode option is enabled.
    Enabling secure mode disables the insecure protocols FTP and Telnet. It also makes the connection between the Access Manager and HID units less susceptible to network impairments. Ensure that your HID unit meets the minimum supported firmware specified on that page. If not, the enrollment will fail. HID Legacy units cannot be added with secure mode enabled on Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016 and later; SSL 3.0 (RC4 cipher) is disabled by default on these Windows operating system versions.
    NOTE: As of Security Center 5.8, HID EVO units running firmware version or later in secure mode communicate with the Access Manager using TLS 1.2 encryption and need port 4433 to be open instead of port 4050. HID units running an earlier firmware version communicate with the Access Manager using HID encryption.
  7. Enter the Username and Password.
    NOTE: If secure mode is enabled, you must provide the admin password. If secure mode is not enabled, you must provide the root password (the default root password is pass).
  8. If there is an NAT router between the unit and its Access Manager, select Use translated host address and specify the NAT router IP address that is visible from the unit.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Review the Creation summary, and click Create.
    The Access Manager attempts to connect to the unit and enrolls it in your system. When the process is successfully completed, a confirmation message appears.
  11. Click Close.
    The newly added access control unit appears under the Access Manager it was assigned to in the Roles and units view.
    NOTE: It might take a few minutes before the unit can be used, as it undergoes automatic synchronization. This process involves the Access Manager sending schedules, access rules, and cardholder information to the unit. The unit saves the information locally so that it can operate even if the Access Manager is unavailable.
  12. Confirm that the unit successfully synchronized with Access Manager:
    1. Click the Roles and units view, and select the access control unit that was added.
    2. Click the Synchronization tab, and check the date and time of the Last update.