Adding privacy settings to license plate reads and hits - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

You can configure Genetec Patroller™ to obscure plate numbers, or to exclude plate, context, or wheel images from reads and hits that are received in Security Center, so that the information is not stored in the ALPR Manager database.

What you should know

Obscuring license plate numbers or excluding data from reads or hits allows you to comply with privacy laws in your region.

If you need to send an email with ALPR data to a specific recipient, then you can override the privacy settings for individual hotlists.


  1. From the Config Tool homepage, click ALPR > General settings > Applications.
  2. Under Privacy, turn ON the data types that you want to hide from reads and hits:
    License plate, context, or wheel images
    Images are not sent to Security Center or included in offloaded data.
    License plate
    Replaces the text string of the license plate number with asterisks (*) when sent to Security Center or in the offloaded data.
  3. Click Apply.