Adding video units manually - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

To monitor video in Security Center, you must add video units to an Archiver.

Before you begin

You must know the manufacturer, the product type (model or series), the IP address or hostname, and the logon credentials (username and password) for the units you plan to add.
Tip: If you do not know the IP address nor the hostname of your unit, use the Unit enrollment tool to discover it.
Change the video unit password. For the security of your system, you should never deploy video units with their factory default passwords.
Tip: If you have many video units to add, you can update their passwords at the same time from the Hardware inventory task.


  1. From the Config Tool homepage, open the Video task and click the Roles and units view.
  2. Click Video unit ().
    The Manual add dialog box opens.
  3. If you have multiple Archiver roles, select one to manage the unit from the Archiver list.
  4. Select the unit’s manufacturer and product type.
  5. Enter the IP address of the video unit.
    • Select IPv4 or IPv6 and enter the IP address.
    • If your network supports DHCP, enter the assigned IP address.
      NOTE: If this address is subject to change, click Hostname to enter the hostname of the unit.
    To add multiple units in a single operation, enter a range () of IP addresses.
  6. Enter the HTTP port for the unit (default = 80).
    NOTE: If the unit uses HTTPS, enter the HTTP port (80) here. You will enter the HTTPS port in the following steps.
  7. Select which credentials the Archiver uses to connect to the unit.
    Default logon
    Use the default logon credentials defined in the manufacturer’s extension for this Archiver. If the extension has not yet been defined, blank credentials are used.
    Enter the specific logon credentials used by this unit. This can be changed to Use default logon later during video unit configuration.
  8. If the video unit is configured to use HTTPS, turn on Use HTTPS and enter the HTTPS port of the unit (default = 443).
  9. Complete all other settings as needed, and click Add.
    If the manufacturer’s extension does not exist, it is created for you.

    If the added unit is an encoder with multiple streams available, each stream is added with the Camera - n string appended to the unit name, n representing the stream number. For an IP camera with only one stream available, the unit name is not modified.

    NOTE: If the manufacturer supports automatic enrollment, all other units on your system with the same discovery port are automatically added to the same Archiver, in addition to those added manually.
  10. To refresh the Role view, press F5.
    The new video unit is added under the selected Archiver.

After you finish

If necessary, change the default settings of the video units from their configuration tabs.