Backing up the Directory database - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

You back up the Directory database from Server Admin.

Before you begin

What you should know

There are restrictions regarding the backup and restore of the Directory database when the Mirroring failover mode is enabled. For more information, refer to the Microsoft SQL Server Database Mirroring documentation.


  1. Log on to Server Admin on your computer using a web browser.
  2. From the server list, select the main server ().
  3. Click Database properties () and configure the backup settings:
    Destination folder
    Path to the backup folder relative to the server performing the backup. By default, databases are backed up to C:\SecurityCenterBackup on the database server, and configuration files are backed up to the same folder on the server hosting the role. If the folder does not exist, it will be created. To save your backups on a shared network drive, enter the path manually, and ensure that both the Genetec™ Server service user and the SQL Server service user have write access to that location.
    Compress backup file
    (Optional) Select this option to create a ZIP file instead of a BAK file. If you select this option, you need to unzip the backup file before you can restore it.
    IMPORTANT: The Compress backup file option only works if the database is local to the server hosting the role.
    Enable automatic backup
    (Optional but recommended) Select this option to enable automatic backup on a schedule. Specify the frequency and time of the backup, and how many backup files you want to keep.
    NOTE: Backup files you create manually are not counted in the number of retained backup files.
  4. Click OK > Save
  5. Click Backup/Restore () and then click Backup now.
    The backup starts and the progress is shown in the dialog box.
  6. When the task is completed, click OK.


A backup file is created in the backup folder with the file extension BAK (or ZIP if the Compress backup file option was selected). The name of the file is the database name, followed by “_ManualBackup_”, and the current date and time.