Backing up the Wearable Camera Manager server configuration - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

The Wearable Camera Manager role requires a direct link to your body-worn camera stations. To reestablish this link if your server fails, you can back up the original configuration so it can be restored on different server.

Before you begin

Create and configure the Wearable Camera Manager role.

What you should know

This procedure makes the following assumptions about your Security Center servers:
  • The Wearable Camera Manager role is hosted on a dedicated expansion server with no other roles.
  • The servers use static IP addresses, not the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).
  • The replacement expansion server must have the same certificate, serverIdentification ID, and IP address to reestablish a link to the body-worn camera station.


  1. Back up the Security Center server certificate:
    1. Open Server Admin on the expansion server hosting the Wearable Camera Manager role and click Stay on this expansion server.
    2. Click the server and note the Secure communication information.
      The Secure communication section of the server page in Server Admin.
    3. From the Windows Start menu, enter Manage computer certificates to open Certificate Manager on the local machine.
    4. In Personal > Certificates, locate the certificate used by Security Center.
    5. Right-click the certificate and select All Tasks > Export.
    6. In the Certificate Export Wizard, click Yes, export the private key.
    7. Choose the .PFX file format and click Next.
    8. Select Password and enter a password.
      Take note of the password. It is required for the recovery process.
    9. Name the file and save it in a secure location.
  2. Back up the Server ID:
    1. Navigate to the Security Center installation folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Genetec Security Center 5.x\ConfigurationFiles on the server that runs the Wearable Camera Manager role.
    2. Open GenetecServer.gconfig and note the serverIdentification id.
    3. Retain the serverIdentification id in a secure location.
  3. Back up the server IP address:
    1. On the server running the Wearable Camera Manager role, start a Windows Command Prompt.
    2. Enter ipconfig.
    3. Retain the IP address of the server in a secure location.
  4. Back up the port:
    The correct port is required when recreating the firewall rules if there is a recovery.
    1. Open Config Tool and navigate to System > Roles and select the Wearable Camera Manager role.
    2. Click the Properties tab and retaif there is the port in a secure location.
      The Properties page of the Wearable Camera Manager role with the Port field highlighted.

After you finish

The Wearable Camera Manager server configuration is successfully backed up.