Calibrating PTZ coordinates - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

For most cameras, you need to calibrate the limits of the PTZ movement to use the zoom-box, center-on-click, and enhanced zoom commands properly in Security Desk.

What you should know

Not all cameras require PTZ calibration. For example, Axis cameras do not require calibration.


  1. Open the Video task.
  2. Select the camera, and click the Hardware tab.
  3. Next to the Enhanced PTZ option, click Calibrate.
  4. To set the PTZ coordinates automatically, click Calibration assistant, and follow the on-screen instructions.
  5. To set the PTZ coordinates manually, move the PTZ motor around in the live video image, and enter the corresponding values on the right:
    Max zoom factor
    Zoom in to the maximum level you want Security Desk users to reach, and enter the Zoom value from the Coordinates section.
    Horizontal field of view
    Enter the horizontal field of view specified by the camera manufacturer. If you do not have this information, zoom out until the Zoom value indicates 1x, and estimate the angle of the horizontal field of view from the image you see on screen.
    Vertical field of view
    Enter the vertical field of view specified by the camera manufacturer. If you do not have this information, zoom out until the Zoom value indicates 1x, and estimate the angle of the vertical field of view from the image you see on screen.
    Minimum pan angle
    Turn the camera to the left-most position of the area under surveillance, and enter the Pan value from the Coordinates section.
    Maximum pan angle
    Turn the camera to the right-most position of the area under surveillance, and enter the Pan value read from the Coordinates section.
    Minimum tilt angle
    Turn the camera to the bottommost position of the area under surveillance, and enter the Tilt value read from the Coordinates section.
    Maximum tilt angle
    Turn the camera to the topmost position of the area under surveillance, and enter the Tilt value read from the Coordinates section.
  6. If you want to flip the camera image at any point, select one of the following from the Flip camera list:
    Minimum tilt
    Flips the camera image when the PTZ motor reaches the minimum tilt coordinate.
    Maximum tilt
    Flips the camera image when the PTZ motor reaches the maximum tilt coordinate.
  7. If you see that the Minimum pan angle value is higher than the Maximum pan angle value, select the Invert pan axis option.
  8. If you see that the Minimum tilt angle value is higher than the Maximum tilt angle value, select the Invert tilt axis option.

After you finish

Test the zoom-box, center-on-click, and enhanced zoom commands from a Security Desk tile. If needed, adjust the calibration, and test the PTZ camera again.