Changing password settings for users - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

You can set a user’s password to expire after a certain amount of time, force users to change their password on next logon, or enforce a minimum complexity for all user passwords.

What you should know

Password complexity requirements apply to all new passwords, and take effect when a user changes their current password.

Only users who have the Change own password user privilege can change their own password. Otherwise, they must contact their administrator to change their password.


  1. From the Config Tool homepage, open the User management task.
  2. Select the user to configure, and click the Properties tab.
  3. To change the user’s password, click Change password, type a password, confirm the password, and click OK.
  4. To set an expiry date for the user’s password, switch the Expires option to ON, and select the number of days.
    The system automatically warns users if their passwords are expiring soon, and gives them a chance to set a new password immediately. You can set the password expiry notification period to between 0 and 30 days from the System task.
  5. To require the user to change their password the next time they log on to Genetec Patroller™ or Security Desk, switch the Change on next logon option to ON.
  6. Click Apply.