Changing the server priority for Archiver failover - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

You can decide which Archiver is the primary server, which one is the secondary, and which one is the tertiary server for failover.

Before you begin

You must have at least two servers assigned to the Archiver role.

What you should know

You can configure different archiving and retention settings for each server assigned to the Archiver role. When you change failover order, the settings follow the server.
To avoid losing video, change the server priority for Archiver failover when the Archiver is not archiving.


  1. Click Failover () at the bottom of the Resources tab.

    A dialog box opens, showing the servers assigned to this Archiver role.

  2. To move a server up or down the list, select it and click or .
  3. Click OK.

    The Failover dialog box closes and the server tabs switch places.

  4. When a standby server hosts other Archiver role, you might have to adjust the archiving priorities for the standby server.
  5. Click Apply.