Configuring ALPR matcher settings - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
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Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

To adjust how license plates captured by Sharp are matched to license plates in a hotlist or permit list, you must configure the ALPR matcher logic.

Before you begin

Read the best practices for configuring ALPR matcher settings.
IMPORTANT: Test your system with the default ALPR matcher settings. If the read accuracy rate meets your requirements, then do not adjust the ALPR matcher settings.

What you should know

You configure ALPR matcher settings in the MatcherSettings.xml file, and then apply your changes in Server Admin and the Server Admin console.

The overtime matcher is used as an example, but the same steps apply to all the matchers in the XML file.


  1. On the computer hosting the Security Center Directory role, open Windows Explorer and then go to C:\Program Files\Genetec Security Center 5.11 .
  2. Open MatcherSettings.xml in Notepad or a similar text editor.
  3. Add or remove OCR equivalent characters from the list.

    The default OCR equivalent characters are listed between the <OCR> and </OCR> tags. Add new <Equivalent>____</Equivalent> lines, or delete the lines you do not want.

  4. Specify the number of character differences that you want to allow.
    Edit the PerLengthSetting line that applies to the plates in your region. For example, Quebec plates typically have six or seven characters, so edit the NumberOfDifferencesAllowed value in the sixth and seventh PerLengthSetting lines.
    NOTE: A value of “0” turns the setting off.
  5. Specify the number of OCR equivalent characters that you want to allow by editing the NumberOCREquiAllowed value. This turns on OCR equivalence.
    NOTE: A value of “0” turns the setting off.
  6. (Overtime only) Specify the number of common and contiguous characters.

    For common characters, edit the NecessaryCommonLength value. For contiguous characters, edit the NecessaryContiguousLength value.

  7. Save and close the text editor.
  8. Apply the ALPR matcher settings in Server Admin, as follows:
    1. From a web browser, open Server Admin typing http://<server>/genetec.
    2. From the Servers section on the Overview page, select the server that hosts the Directory role.
    3. Next to the server name, click Actions > Console.
    The server page in Server Admin with the Actions drop-down list expanded and the Console option highlighted.
    1. Click the Commands tab.
    2. Clear the User commands only checkbox.
    3. From the list of commands, click UpdateAutoVuGlobalSettings.
      The Commands page in Server Admin with the User commands only option and UpdateAutoVuGlobal settings command highlighted.
    4. Close Server Admin.
  9. Restart the Security Center Directory role, as follows:
    1. From a web browser, open Server Admin typing http://<server>/genetec.
    2. Click Directory and select Restart.
      The Overview page in Server Admin with the Directory drop down list highlighted.
    3. After the Directory restarts, close Server Admin.


ALPR matcher settings are now configured and applied to all the ALPR Manager roles on your system. Genetec Patroller™ units are updated the next time they connect to Security Center wirelessly, or when you manually transfer Patroller settings using a USB key.

After you finish

Verify that your ALPR Manager roles have been updated by looking at the MatcherSettings.xml file in their corresponding root folders (C:\Genetec\AutoVu\RootFolder\ManualTransfer\General). You can also tell by the XML file’s Date modified field that it has been updated.