Configuring body-worn cameras - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

To upload evidence from a body-worn camera (BWC) to a Security Center archive, you must configure the Wearable Camera Manager role.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that you have a valid body-worn camera license (Part Number: GSC-Om-X-1BWC).
  • Ensure that you configured the firewall ports before creating the Wearable Camera Manager role.
    NOTE: Firewall ports must also be updated after a major upgrade.

What you should know

  • Redundant archiving or failover is not supported when using body-worn cameras.
  • For a list of body-worn camera devices that are supported by Security Center, see our Supported Device List.
  • The .json config file is used to connect the role and to secure the communication with the body-worn camera docking station.


  1. Create a Wearable Camera Manager role:
    1. Open the System task and click Roles > Add an entity > Wearable Camera Manager.
    2. (Optional) In the Specific info section, click Custom settings, select a retention period, and click Next.

      Selecting a retention period automatically ensures that older videos are deleted after the specified period.

      IMPORTANT: Imported files must not be older than the current retention period.
    3. In the Basic info section, enter an entity name and click Next.
    4. In the Creation summary section, click Create.
  2. (Optional) Add additional Archivers to share the load on systems with a large number of body-worn cameras:
    1. In the Associated Archiver roles section of the Properties page, click .
    2. Select the additional Archivers you want to use.
    3. Click Apply.
    IMPORTANT: If your body-worn camera station is already configured, you must re-upload the .json file to the station.
  3. Configure the Camera station:
    1. In the Camera stations section of the Hardware page, click .
    2. Enter a station name and click Apply.
    3. In the Camera stations section, click Go to file location and copy or transfer the .json file to the camera station. For more information, refer to your body-worn camera docking station's documentation.
    4. (Optional) To delete a camera station, select it from the list and click .
  4. (Optional) Add a camera or an officer .

After you finish

You can now dock your body-worn camera to connect and sync.
  • The upload begins when a camera is connected to the body-worn camera station. Your evidence is uploaded automatically, no further intervention is required.
  • After the upload completes, you can find and view the uploaded evidence in Security Desk by using the Archives report in the Archives task.
    NOTE: Depending on the size and number of evidence files that you upload, the videos might not appear in the Security Desk archives report immediately. Configure an event-to-action for Evidence ready to be notified when an officer's recording is ready for viewing.