Configuring doors with lock sensors - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

To monitor whether or not your doors have locked correctly, you must configure additional connections for your door entities.

What you should know

If you have a door lock configured without a lock sensor, the door lock only indicates the intended lock state, not the physical lock state. To receive the Door unsecured and Door secured events, a door lock and door sensor must be configured alongside the lock sensor.


  1. From the Config Tool homepage, open the Area view task.
  2. Select the door entity to configure, and click the Hardware tab.
  3. Map the physical wiring of a door to a door entity.
  4. In the Additional connections section, assign the output for the Door lock.
  5. Assign the input for the Door sensor.
  6. Click Add connection (), and select Lock sensor.
  7. Assign the input for the Lock sensor.
  8. Click Apply.