Configuring motion detection - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

To monitor motion in a camera image, you must configure motion detection for the video unit.

Before you begin

Make sure the unit supports motion detection.

What you should know

Motion detection can be performed by the Archiver or by the unit, on the entire video image (default) or only on certain areas (motion zones).
Best Practice: For H.264 and MPEG-4 streams, software motion detection is performed by analyzing P-frames. Ensure that your video stream is not made up of only key frames when configuring the Key frame interval and Frame rate settings of the camera.

When you define motion detection zones in Security Center, the image keeps the orientation sent from the camera, and therefore might be viewed upside down or at a 90 degree angle.

To learn more about configuring advanced motion detection, watch our GTAP Webinar. For pre-configuration instructions or any additional configuration steps required to enable motion detection in Security Center for specific video units, see the Security Center Video Unit Configuration Guide.


  1. From the Config Tool homepage, open the Video task and click the Roles and units view.
  2. Select the camera to configure, and click Video analytics > Motion detection.
  3. Turn on Motion detection.
  4. For Detection is done on, select whether motion detection is performed by the Archiver or the video unit.
    NOTE: Motion detection on the Archiver is always available. To perform motion detection on the video unit, it must support this feature.
  5. For Sensitivity, select how much of a difference must be detected in a block between two consecutive frames before it is highlighted as a motion block.
    A plain image, such as viewing an empty wall, is more prone to generate noise than an image containing a lot of detail.
    Tip: First set a high value, and then slowly lower it until you are only receiving a few false motion reads in the image.

    You can also calibrate the sensitivity automatically.

  6. For Consecutive frame hits, select how many frames in a row the Motion on Threshold must be reached to generate positive motion detection.
  7. For H.264 streams, configure the Advanced settings, if required.
    For more information, refer to Camera - Video analytics > Motion detection tab.
  8. Define the motion detection zones.
  9. Set the motion detection criteria for each motion zone as follows:
    If these values are too low, motion will be detected too often. If these values are too close together, you might receive many consecutive events.
    Motion on
    If the number of detected motion blocks reaches the Threshold over the required number of Consecutive frame hits, the selected event is raised.
    Motion off
    If the number of detected motion blocks falls below the Threshold for at least five seconds, the selected event is raised.
  10. Select the event types you want to generate when motion is detected for each motion zone.