Configuring predefined reasons for maintenance mode - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

To facilitate the process of setting an entity in maintenance mode, you can create predefined reasons. You can also assign a color to each reason to help users quickly identify why an entity is in maintenance.

Before you begin

You must have the privilege to modify maintenance mode reasons.

What you should know

With predefined reasons, you can quickly assign a reason for putting an entity in maintenance mode without having to type it out each time. While in maintenance mode, the color assigned to the reason is applied to the User Interface (UI) elements of the entity (icon, label, and the selector) wherever they appear in the application, such as entity trees, tiles, and maps.


  1. From the Config Tool homepage, open the System task, click the General Settings view, and then click the Maintenance mode reasons page.
  2. Click to open the Add reason for maintenance mode dialog box.
  3. Give the reason a name.
  4. Add a description. This text can be modified when setting the entity in maintenance mode and is shown as a tooltip when hovering over the entity.
  5. Assign a color. The UI elements for the entity are highlighted in this color wherever it appears in the application. Choose a basic color from the selection or click Custom to create your own.
    NOTE: Use distinct colors so users can easily differentiate between the reasons. Also, it is not recommended to use the following colors because they already have an existing meaning in Security Center:
    Represents an entity that is offline state.
    Represents an entity that is in the warning state.
    Represents an entity that is inactive.
    Represents the default maintenance mode with no predefined reason specified.
  6. Click OK.


The predefined reason is created and available as an option when setting an entity in maintenance mode.