Creating alarms - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

For alarms to be triggered in your system, you must create an alarm entity and set up its properties.

What you should know

As a best practice, give names to alarms that best describe the situation, so it is easy to determine what happened when the alarm is triggered.


  1. From the Config Tool homepage, open the Alarms task, and click the Alarms view.
  2. Click Alarm ().
    A new alarm entity () appears in the Alarms view.
  3. Type a name for the alarm, and press Enter.
  4. Click the Properties tab.
  5. In the Priority option, set the priority of the alarm, based on the urgency of the situation.
    Higher priority alarms are displayed first in Security Desk.
  6. To add recipients for the alarm, click Add an item () under the Recipients section, select the users, user groups, or analog monitor groups, and click Add.
    Recipients are notified when the alarm occurs, and are responsible for responding to the alarm.
  7. If you chose more than one recipient, select how they are notified about the alarm from the Broadcast mode option:
    All at once
    All recipients are notified at the same time, immediately after the alarm is triggered.
    The recipients are notified individually, each after a specified delay (in seconds) calculated from the time the alarm is triggered. If the recipient is a user group, all members of the user group are notified at the same time.
  8. To add entities to help describe the alarm, click Add an item () under the Attached entities section, select the entities, and click Select.

    Attached entities help users react to the alarm situation. When the alarm is received in Security Desk, the attached entities (cameras, doors, areas, alarm procedure, and so on), are displayed in the canvas in the Alarm monitoring task.

  9. From the Video display option list, select the video display options when the alarm is triggered.
  10. To automatically rotate the attached entities inside a tile in the Alarm monitoring task when the alarm is triggered, switch the Content cycling option to ON, and set the number of seconds each entity is displayed for.
    NOTE: The order of the entities in the list is the order they are displayed in Security Desk. When the alarm is triggered by an event, the entity that caused the event is also attached to the alarm, and is displayed first.
  11. Click Apply.
  12. Click the Advanced tab, and configure the optional alarm settings.