You can create personalized maps of your site and floor plans of your buildings, by importing their background image from image files.
- From the Config Tool homepage, open the Map designer task.
- Click Create.
- In the entity tree, select an area or a parking zone to attach your map to, or click New area.
(Optional) Select the icon to represent your area with a map (Default =
- Click Next.
For the type of map background, select the Image option,
and click Select file.
In the file browser, select a file and click Open.
NOTE: Image files, PDF files, and AutoCAD (DXF and DWG) files are supported.The selected image is shown in the preview window.
If necessary, select which layers or page to import, and then rotate and crop
the image.
NOTE: The wizard does not create one map per layout. Do so manually.
Click Advanced settings (
), and set the following options:
- Resolution
- The resolution of the image.
- Background
- The background color of the image.
- Click Next.
- (Optional) If you are creating the map from an AutoCAD file, import map objects from the AutoCAD file.
- Click Next.
Set your map scale using one of the following options:
NOTE: Instead of setting the map scale, you can georeference the map.
- Room
- Floor plan for a small area such as a cafeteria or an auditorium.
- Building
- Floor plan for a large area such as a building floor, a stadium, or a warehouse.
- Campus
- Site map for an airport, a mall, or a university campus.
- City
- City map. For example: Montreal, New York, Paris, London, Tokyo.
Click Create to generate the map.
The created map is displayed in the Map designer workspace.
- If required, set a specific scale for the imported map image.
- Configure the default map view and other presets.
- Configure the default information to display when someone opens this map.
In the Map designer toolbar, click
Save (