You can add a permit restriction entity in Security Center Config Tool to apply restrictions to a permit. After you create the entity, you’ll configure its settings for your enforcement scenario.
Before you begin
What you should know
- In University Parking Enforcement, to create an enforcement rule, you need to apply restrictions to the permits you add. Genetec Patroller™ downloads permit restrictions when it connects to Security Center.
- Ideally, a permit restriction should only contain the permits that are relevant to the
restriction, that is, it is best practice not to add all of your permits to every permit
restriction. NOTE: There is no limit to the number of permits that can be added to a permit restriction, but if you put all the permits in all permits restriction, you might notice a delay before the Patroller hit pop-up is displayed. In this case, you can configure the system to only search permits from the zone currently being scanned by the patrol vehicle. For more information, see [KBA-79138] Patroller hit detection delay in University mode.
- You can apply permit restrictions to AutoVu™ Free-Flow parking rules.