Creating tile plugins that link to a website - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

You can create a tile plugin that links to a web site that contains a map, which you can interact with when the tile plugin is displayed in Security Desk.

What you should know

Make sure that the URL you link the tile plugin can be reached from all Security Desk workstations, or some users might not be able to view the map or other content from the URL.


  1. Open the Area view task.
  2. Click Add an entity () > Tile plugin.
  3. In the Creating a tile plugin wizard, enter the entity name and description.
  4. If there are partitions in your system, select the partition the tile plugin is a member of, and click Next.
    Partitions determine which Security Center users have access to this entity. Only users who have been granted access to the partition can see the tile plugin.
  5. In the Tile plugin information page, select Website.
  6. Click Next > Close.

    The tile plugin appears in the area view with a website icon ().

  7. Select the tile plugin, and click the Properties tab.
  8. In the Web page option, type a web address.
  9. Click Apply.