Creating time zone custom fields for cardholder and visitor activation and expiration - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

Before you can configure time zones for the activation and expiration of cardholders and visitors, you must create cardholder and visitor custom fields.

What you should know

The minimum required version to use cardholder and visitor time zones is Ensure that all your client workstations meet this requirement.


  1. From the Config Tool homepage, open the System task, and click the General settings view.
  2. Click the Custom fields tab, and click Add an item ().
  3. In the Add custom field dialog box, configure the following settings:
    Entity type
    Select Cardholder or Visitor, as required.
    Data type
    Select the custom Time zones data type you created.
    If you selected Cardholder as the entity type, enter Cardholder Time Zone . If you selected Visitor as the entity type, enter Visitor Time Zone .
    NOTE: The system looks for these exact English values. The custom fields will not work if you name them differently.
    Default value
    Select a time zone from the list to use as the default time zone.
    Visible to administrators and
    Add the users or user groups that need to configure the activation and expiration of cardholders and visitors, otherwise, these users will only see the activation and expiration times in their local time.
  4. Click Save and close.