Database fields supported by the Import tool - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
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Using the Import tool, you can import many database fields from a CSV file.

Field name Field type Description
/ Activation date String Strings in time and date format.
/ Expiration date String Strings in time and date format.
/ Expires after X days of inactivity Unsigned integer Number of days for an inactive credential or cardholder to expire.
/ Expires X days after first use Unsigned integer Number of days after first user for a credential or cardholder to expire.
Badge template String Credential badge template.
Card format Unsigned integer or string Credential card format. You can use one of the following values:
  • 0 = Standard 26 bits
  • 1 = HID H10306 34 Bits
  • 2 = HID H10302 37 Bits
  • 3 = HID H10304 37 Bits
  • 4 = HID Corporate 1000 35 Bits
  • 5 = HID Corporate 1000 48 Bits
  • CSN

To specify a custom card format, you must spell it exactly as you created it. If no card format is specified in a CSV line, the default format specified on the import settings page is used.

{Format} - Field name Standard card format You can specify a field in a specific card format, including custom card formats.
{Format} - Field name (previous value) Standard card format Field of an old credential to replace. These “(previous value)” choices appear only if you selected Replace as Credential operation.
Cardholder <Field name> As defined by the custom field Cardholder custom field.
Cardholder group String Name of the cardholder group the cardholder should belong to. If the cardholder group does not exist, it is created in the same partition as the cardholder.
CanEscort Boolean Valid inputs:
  • 0
  • 1
  • True
  • False
  • Yes
  • No
  • On
  • Off

To specify a custom card format, you must spell it exactly as you created it. If no card format is specified in a CSV line, the default format specified on the import settings page is used.

Credential <Field name> As defined by the custom field Credential custom field.
Credential card data String The card data field allows the user to fill in the data for both standard and custom card formats. When this field is specified, the facility code and the card number fields are ignored.

For all standard card formats, the string must contain the facility code followed by the card number. The accepted separators are the ‘/’ and ‘|’ characters. For example, “35/20508” corresponds to Facility code= 35 and Card number = 20508.

For a custom card format, the data should be arranged according to the custom card format definition.

Description String Cardholder entity description.
Email String Cardholder email address.
First name String Cardholder first name. This field is part of the default cardholder key.
Last name String Cardholder last name. This field is part of the default cardholder key.
License plate String License plate reader. Valid length 1-32 digits.
Mobile phone number String Cardholder's mobile phone number.
Name String Credential entity name. If no name is specified, the default value “Imported credential” or “Unassigned imported credential” is used.
Partition String Name of the partition the cardholder should belong to. If the partition does not exist, it is created. If it is not specified, the cardholder is put in the system partition.
Partition String Name of the partition the credential should belong to. If the partition does not exist, it is created. If it is not specified, the credential is put in the system partition.
Picture String Path to a cardholder picture file (bmp, jpg, gif, or png). The path must reference a file located on the local machine or on the network.
PIN String Credential corresponding to a PIN. The maximum length is 15 digits.
Status Boolean Cardholder status. The following values are accepted (not case-sensitive):
  • 1, True, Yes = Profile enabled
  • 0, False, No = Profile disabled
Status String Credential status. The following values are accepted (not case-sensitive):
  • Active
  • Inactive
  • Lost
  • Stolen
  • Expired