Drawing walls to block the cameras' fields of view - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

To create a more realistic effect when the map is displayed in the Maps task or Monitoring task in Security Desk, you can block the field of view of your cameras by drawing walls and other obstacles on your map.

What you should know

Only lines, rectangles, and polygons, can be used to block the field of view (FOV) of cameras. Text, images, and elliptical shapes cannot be used for blocking.


  1. From the Config Tool homepage, open the Map designer task.
  2. Select a recent map or click Browse all maps to open an existing map.
    The selected map fills the Map designer workspace.
  3. In the toolbar, click one of the following tools to insert a graphical object:
    Draw line
    Click and drag to draw a single-line segment to represent a wall.
    Draw rectangle
    Click and drag to draw a rectangle. Drag a handle to change its size. You cannot change a rectangle into a different type of polygon.
    Draw polygon
    Click once for each endpoint, and click the first endpoint to close the polygon. Use Shift+click to add or remove a point between two points. Double-click a point to complete the polygon without closing it.
    The widgets for configuring the map object appear in the right panel. The map object always takes on the identity of the entity it represents.
  4. From the Physical widget, select Block field of view and set the Elevation of the wall. Using this elevation in conjunction with the elevation that is configured in the camera's Field of view widget provide a visual representation on the map of the blind spot created by the wall.
  5. Test the blind spot created by the object by selecting the camera and clicking Start test field of view in the camera widget.
    Example Configuration
    A Block field of view is not selected for the rectangle representing the parking garage.
    B Block field of view is selected for the rectangle representing the parking garage.
    C Block field of view is selected for the rectangle representing the parking garage and the Elevation is defined for both the parking garage and the camera.
    Tip: To test the coverage of all the cameras, click Map > Show field of view coverage.
  6. In the Map designer toolbar, click Save ().