Entity states - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

Entities can appear in several different states in the area view, which are represented by different colors.

The following table lists the three entity states:

State Color Description
Online White The server can connect to the entity.
Offline Red The server cannot connect to the entity.
Warning Yellow The server can connect to the entity, but there are problems.
Entity warnings usually appear because of invalid configurations. For example, when it comes to cameras the following two conditions can cause the camera to fall into a yellow warning state:
  • Multiple, conflicting recording schedules have been applied to the same camera.
  • A Transmission lost event has occurred. This means that the Archiver is still connected to the camera, but it has not received any video packets for more than 5 seconds.
To troubleshoot offline and warning states of cameras, you do one of the following:
  • Change the conflicting schedules.
  • Troubleshoot the Archiver role.