Generating reports - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
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Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

To generate a report in any reporting task, you must set the query filters and then run the query. After you generate a report, you can work with your results.

What you should know

Reporting tasks are where you generate customized queries about the entities, activities, and events in your Security Center system for investigation or maintenance purposes. Most investigation and maintenance tasks are reporting tasks.
The maximum number of report results you can receive in Security Center is 50,000. By default, the maximum number of results is 500. You can change this value in the Performance section of the Options dialog box in Security Center.
NOTE: If you use an action to generate reports, the maximum number of results is set in the Properties page of the Report Manager role. This setting applies only to PDF and Excel formats. There is no limit for CSV format. For more information, see Using a manual action to generate and export reports.

To generate a report with more than 50,000 results, use the Generate and save report command. For more information, see Generating and saving reports.

These steps only describe the general process for running a report.


  1. Open a reporting task.
  2. In the Filters tab, use the query filters to create a customized search.
    NOTE: Some of the filters have a Select all button. This button does not appear if there are more than 500 entities to select from. For example, if you have a list of 1500 cardholders. Queries with over 500 entities take longer to generate.
  3. Set a date and time range for the report.
  4. Click Generate report.
    If there are invalid filters, this button is unavailable.
    IMPORTANT: The Reason required dialog box is displayed when generating any report that contains ALPR data. The reason entered is logged and included in Activity trail (Report generated) audit logs to comply with State laws.

    The query results are displayed in the report pane.
    Tip: You can right-click a column heading to select which columns you want to show. It also allows you to configure a custom sort order for the results using multiple columns as the sorting criteria.
  5. Analyze the query results.
    The query results depend on the type of reporting task. When video sequences or ALPR data are attached to the query results, you can view them in the canvas by dragging a report item to a tile.
  6. Work with the query results.
    Depending on the items in the query results, you can perform the following actions:
    1. Print the report.
    2. Save the report as a PDF, Excel, or CSV document.
    3. Export the video sequences.
  7. (Optional) Save the report as a task.
    If you save the report layout (query filters and report columns) as a public task, you can share it with other users or use it as a report template with the Email a report action.


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