Granting extra access rights and privileges to specific workstation users - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

You can grant extra access rights and privileges to selected users when they log on to Security Center through specific Security Desk workstations.

Before you begin

Before you can configure a workstation with access rights and privileges, you must connect Security Desk to the Directory at least once from that workstation. You can do so with any user account. This creates a workstation entity () in the system that you can later configure.

What you should know

  • You configure the access rights and privileges of a workstation with the Workstation management task.
  • The Workstation management task is only available to Security Center administrators.
  • A workstation affects the access rights and privileges of a user the same way that a parent user group does.
  • A workstation affects the access rights and privileges of a user only if the user is connected through Security Desk and is part of the workstation's user list.


  1. (First use only) Enable the Workstation management feature.
    1. From the Config Tool homepage, open the System task.
    2. Click General settings > Features and select Workstation management.
    3. Click Apply.
    4. Restart Config Tool.
    The Workstation management task is now available in the Config Tool homepage.
  2. From the Config Tool homepage, open the Workstation management task.
  3. Click Workstation ().
    The workstation creation wizard opens.
  4. In the Workstation information page, select the workstation you want to configure.
    Only Security Desk workstations that are not yet configured are listed.
  5. Click Next > Create > Close.
    The selected workstation () is added to the list of configured workstations.
  6. (Optional) Click the Identity tab and give the workstation a more meaningful name.
    By default, the workstation is given the computer's name.
  7. Click the Access rights tab, select the partitions that you want the user of this workstation to inherit, and then click Apply.
    NOTE: A user can inherit more access rights from the workstation, but what they already have cannot be removed. If the existing partitions do not provide the exact access rights you want to grant to the user, create a partition for what you need.
  8. Click the Privileges tab, configure the privileges that you want to add or deny from the users of this workstation, and then click Apply.
    NOTE: You can only add a privilege to a user if that privilege is undefined for that user, but you can always deny a privilege that a user currently has.
  9. Click the User access tab, and add the users and user groups you want this workstation to affect.


Now, whenever a user from the workstation's user list uses Security Desk to connect to the Directory through this workstation, the access rights and privileges configured for this workstation will be combined to the access rights and privileges of that user.
NOTE: You must recreate the workstation entity if you change the physical machine, even if you keep the same domain name.