Hiding alarms without source entities - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

You can hide alarms from users who do not have permission to view the alarm source entity by setting HideAlarmsWithoutSource to true in the Advanced settings page under Config Tool > System > General settings.

Before you begin

You need the Modify advanced settings privilege to view the Advanced settings page under Config Tool > System > General settings.

What you should know

The alarm source is the entity that triggered the alarm. It is the event source if the alarm is triggered by an event-to-action, or the user, if the alarm is triggered manually. The alarm source is not displayed if the user who receives the alarm does not have permission to view the source entity. This happens when the source entity belongs to a partition to which the user does not have access.


  1. Open the System task and click General settings > Advanced settings
  2. Click Add an item ().
    An empty row is added to the advanced parameter list.
  3. In the Name field, enter HideAlarmsWithoutSource.
    The parameter name must be written exactly as indicated.
  4. In the Value field, enter True.
    The parameter value is not case sensitive but must spell the word True in English. Any other word is equivalent to False.
  5. Click Apply.


The new setting immediately applies to all new alarms. If existing alarms are already displayed in an Alarm monitoring task, you must close and reopen the task to refresh and filter out the alarms with blank source entities.