How credential card formats work with Active Directory in Security Center - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
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Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

If you decide to map the credential Card format property to an Active Directory attribute, that attribute must contain either a numeric value (for standard card formats) or the exact card format name (text).

The following list describes the standard card formats supported by Security Center, their numeric values, and the valid ranges for the facility code (also known as Company ID Code), card number (also known as Card ID Number), or other codes associateds with specific card types.

  • 0: Standard 26 bits
    • Facility code range: 0 to 255
    • Card number range: 0 to 65 535
  • 1: HID H10306 34 Bits
    • Facility code range: 0 to 65 535
    • Card number range: 0 to 65 535
  • 2: HID H10302 37 Bits
    • Facility code range: Not required1
    • Card number range: 0 to 0 to 34 359 738 367
  • 3: HID H10304 37 Bits
    • Facility code range: 0 to 65 535
    • Card number range: 0 to 524 287
  • 4: HID Corporate 1000 (35 bits)
    • Facility code range: 0 to 4095
    • Card number range: 0 to 1 048 575
  • 5: HID Corporate 1000 (48 bits)
    • Facility code range: 0 to 4 194 303
    • Card number range: 0 to 0 to 8 388 607
  • 6: CSN (32 bits)
    • Facility code range: Not required
    • Card number range: 0 to FFFFFFFF
  • 7: FASC-N 75 bits
    • Agency code: 0 to 16 383
    • System code: 0 to 16 383
    • Credential number: 0 to 1 048 575
    • Exp date: 0 to 33554431
  • 8: FASC-N 200 bits
    • Agency code: 0 to 9999
    • System code: 0 to 9999
    • Credential number: 0 to 999999
    • CS (Credential Series): 0 to 9
    • ICI (Individual Credential Issue): 0 to 9
    • PI (Person Identifier): 0 to 99999999999
    • OC (Organizational Category): 0 to 9
    • OI (Organizational Identifier): 0 to 9999
    • POA (Person/Organization Association): 0 to 9
    • LRC (Longitudinal Redundancy Character): 0 to 9

1 If HID H10302 37 Bits is the only card format referenced in your CSV file, it is preferable to bind the card number to the Security Center Card data field instead of the Card number field since the facility code is not required. Because a single value is stored in the Credential card data field, no separator character is needed.

IMPORTANT: For custom card formats, you must use the exact spelling used to create the custom card format.