Use the Map designer task to create and edit maps that represent physical locations of your equipment to Security Desk users.
A map entity is a two-dimensional diagram that enables you to interact with your security equipment, while providing a reference to their physical locations and statuses. The following figure shows the Map designer task editing a map named "Montreal" in a video monitoring system.
A | Use the Map designer menu and toolbar to create, edit, and delete the maps in your system, as well as arrange and search for map objects on your map. On geographic maps, you can also search for addresses and coordinates. |
B |
Selection tool (
C | Draw vector objects:
D | Insert images and text:
E | Create map objects representing entities:
F | Use the widgets to configure the selected map object. When multiple map objects are selected, only the common widgets are displayed. |
G | Click and drag the FOV to position it on the map. |