Protecting video files against tampering - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

If you want to use your video evidence in court, you can enable digital signatures on the Archiver and the Auxiliary Archiver to protect your video against tampering and prove that it was not altered.

What you should know

A digital signature is cryptographic metadata added to video frames by the Archiver or Auxiliary Archiver to ensure their authenticity. If a video sequence is manipulated by adding, deleting, or modifying frames, the signature of the modified content will differ from the original, indicating that the video sequence has been tampered with.


  1. Open the System task and click the Roles view.
  2. Select an archiving role, click the Resources tab, and click Advanced settings.
  3. Turn on the Digital signature option and click OK > Apply.
    Digital signatures require a cryptographic key. The required files, fingerprintEddsa.bin and privateEddsa.bin, are generated automatically and stored in the Security Center installation folder on each server hosting an archiving role.