Requiring visitors to be escorted to access secured areas - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

You can increase the security of certain areas by requiring visitors to be accompanied by a designated host. A host must present their credential after the visitor within a certain delay before access is granted to the entire party.

Before you begin


  1. From the Config Tool homepage, open the Area view task.
  2. Select the secured area, and click the Advanced tab.
  3. In the Visitor escort rule section, do one of the following:
    • Set the Enforce visitor escort rule option to ON.
    • Click Revert to inherited value () if the parent area has visitor escort rule enforced.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Select the Properties tab.
  6. (Optional) For all perimeter doors configured for this area:
    1. Select door and click Jump to ().
    2. Select the door’s Properties tab.
    3. Set the Maximum delay between card presentations in seconds.
      Access is denied if the escort does not present their credential within the specified delay after the visitor.
    4. Click Apply.

After you finish

When you check in visitors who need supervised access to this area, assign one or two hosts (cardholders who have access to this area) to the visitor, and select Escort required.