Restoring databases - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

If you just restored a server, moved a server to another computer, reinstalled or upgraded SQL Server, or made some configuration mistakes that you want to undo, you can restore the old database.

Before you begin

Back up the current database before you restore an old database. If you selected the Compress backup file option during backup, you must first unzip the backup file before you can restore it.

What you should know

All role databases are restored from Config Tool, except the Directory database which must be restored from the Server Admin - Main Server page. The procedures are similar, so only restoring databases from Config Tool is described here.
NOTE: The following cases are exceptions:
  • You cannot restore the Directory database from Server Admin when the Mirroring failover mode is enabled. For more information on the restrictions regarding backup and restore while the database mirroring session is active, refer to the Microsoft SQL Server Database Mirroring documentation.
  • For the Archiver and the Auxiliary Archiver roles, after restoring the role database, you must also restore the video archives.


  1. From the Config Tool homepage, open the System task and click the Roles view.
  2. Select a role, and click the Resources tab.
  3. Click Backup/Restore ().
    For the Directory database, you would click Backup/Restore () from Server Admin.
  4. In the Backup/Restore dialog box, beside the Restore file field, click Select file (), and select the backup file you want to restore.
    NOTE: By default, databases are backed up to C:\SecurityCenterBackup on the database server, and configuration files are backed up to the same folder on the server hosting the role. If your backups are stored on a shared network drive, enter the path manually, and ensure that the service user has read access to that location.
  5. Click Restore now.
  6. Click OK.


The current content of the database is replaced by the content restored from the backup file.