Selecting which credential fields to synchronize with Active Directory - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
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Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

Before you can import credentials from the Active Directory (AD), you must configure which AD attributes to link to the credential fields in Security Center in the Links page of the Active Directory role. The mapping can be different for each Active Directory role in your system.

Before you begin

What you should know

Multiple credentials can be imported for a single cardholder.


  1. From the Links page of the Active Directory role, under the Credentials section, click Add credential ().
  2. Select a credential type, enter the configuration name, and click Add.
  3. If you selected Card () credential type, configure the following:
    Card format
    Default card format to use for the imported credentials when the card format property is either not mapped to an AD attribute, or when the mapped attribute is empty.
    Badge template
    Default badge template to use for the imported credentials when the badge template name is either not mapped to an AD attribute, or when the mapped attribute is empty.
    Other credential fields
    Map all credential fields required by the card format. The card format can also be mapped to an AD attribute to override the default value.
  4. If you selected PIN () credential type, select the AD attribute to map to the PIN field.
    NOTE: The PIN field is compulsory for PIN credentials.
  5. If you selected Plate () credential type, select the AD attribute to map to the License plate field.
    NOTE: The License plate field is compulsory for Plate credentials.
  6. If necessary, map additional credential fields to AD attributes.
  7. Repeat the previous steps as needed.
  8. Click Apply.


The mapped credential fields are displayed in the Links page. When you synchronize with the AD, they are read-only.