Testing video settings of cameras - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

After configuring your cameras, test that the video settings and make sure you can view the camera.


  1. In the Video task, double-click the camera you want to test in the entity tree.
    The camera stream opens in a pop-up window.
  2. Click Expand ().
    The Live video dialog box opens and shows you live statistics about the video stream coming from the video encoder.
    Live video dialog box in Config Tool showing stream information
  3. If you have configured multiple video streams, click the Stream list to select a different stream to view: live, recording, and so on.
  4. If you have configured separate High resolution and Low resolution streams, select Automatic from the Stream drop-down list, and resize the Live video dialog box to test if the stream selection automatically changes.
  5. If you are experiencing streaming problems, click Show video stream diagnosis > Show video stream status to display diagnostic information as a transparent overlay on the video.
    Live video dialog box in Config Tool showing the stream status overlay
  6. To capture information, click Copy to clipboard.
  7. To hide the status overlay, click Close.