Unit Assistant - Certificate profile tab - Security Center 5.11

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.11

Applies to
Security Center 5.11
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Security Center

Click the Certificate profile tab to configure the policies and the limits imposed on certificate requests applied by the CA.

NOTE: This tab is only visible if the Certificate Signing plugin is installed on your system.
Allowed domain name
Must match your network domain name. Leave it blank if you do not want to include the domain name in the certificates.
Allowed IPv4 range
Enter the IPv4 range of the units you expect to connect to on your network. Leave it blank if you do not want the units to use IPv4.
Allowed IPv6 range
Enter the IPv6 range of the units you expect to connect to on your network. Leave it blank if you do not want the units to use IPv6.
Maximum validity period
Enter the maximum validity period that can be set when renewing a certificate. Select one of the predefined value or enter a custom value. The syntax of the custom value is P[xY][yM][zD], where x, y, z are the number of years, months, and days, respectively. Any portion in brackets can be omitted.


"P1Y3M10D" corresponds to 1 year, 3 months, and 10 days.

"P90D" corresponds to 90 days.