ALPR task - General settings view - Security Center 5.12

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.12

Security Center
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Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

(Only visible to users with the ALPR management > View general settings privileges) This section lists the settings found in the General settings page in the ALPR task.

General settings - Applications page

The Applications page lets you configure how Security Desk displays maps in the Monitoring and Route playback tasks. You can also limit the number of logon attempts in Genetec Patroller™, enforce Patroller privacy settings, and set the attributes that a Patroller user must enter when enforcing a hit.
Map type
Display the type of map system supported by your Security Center license.
Color for reads
Click to select the color used to show license plate reads on maps.
Require reason when generating ALPR report
When switched to On, a Reason required dialog is displayed when generating any report that contains ALPR data. This ensures that the reason for the ALPR search is recorded and included in Activity trail (Report generated) audit logs to comply with State laws.
Display reason in ALPR evidence report
When switched to On, the reason code is displayed in the printed evidence report.
NOTE: This setting is only visible if the Require reason when generating ALPR report button is switched on.
Display bounding box on all camera images
When switched to On, a bounding box is displayed in the context image around the license plate of the vehicle captured in the read.
List ALPR units that were offline during the Reads report period
When switched to On, the Reads report indicates that the selected units were offline during the queried time.
NOTE: This setting is saved locally. For each computer running Security Desk, you must enable this setting in Config Tool.
Editing a read creates a copy of the original read
When switched to On, editing a license plate read in Security Desk creates a copy of the original read. A check mark is displayed in the Reads report Edited column for reads that have been edited.
Initial longitude/latitude
Set the default starting location for the map view in Security Desk. You can type the coordinates in the fields or click Select and zoom in on a location and click Select. A red pushpin appears to indicate the selected position.
Logon attempts before lockdown
You can specify the number of unsuccessful logon attempts a Patroller can make before the account is locked out. For example, if the limit is set to 3, The Patroller user has three attempts to log on with their username and password. On the fourth failed attempt, their account is locked and they can no longer log on. Users with locked accounts must contact their administrators to have the password reset. Patroller must be connected to the Security Center server for the password to be reset.
Configure Patroller to obscure license plate numbers, or exclude plate, context, or wheel images from reads and hits so that the information is not stored in the ALPR Manager database.
License plate, context, or wheel images
When switched to On, images are not sent to Security Center or included in offloaded data.
License plate
When switched to On, the plate number text string is replaced by asterisks (*) when sent to Security Center or in the offloaded data.
Enforced hit attributes
Create text entry fields that Patroller users must enter text in when they enforce a hit. The information from the enforced hit text fields can be queried in the Security Desk hits report.

General settings - Hotlist page

The Hotlist page allows you to define the customized attributes, reasons, and categories that appear in Patroller when the user adds a New wanted entry, or rejects or accepts a hit. The settings are downloaded to Patroller along with the selected hotlists when Patroller connects to Security Center. These settings are also available as filter options for hit reports in Security Desk.
New wanted attributes
A new wanted is a hotlist item that is manually entered by the Patroller user. The new wanted attributes are attributes other than the standard ones (plate number, plate issuing state, category) that the Patroller user is asked to specify when entering a new wanted item in the Patroller.
New wanted categories
List of hotlist categories that a Patroller user can pick from when entering a new wanted item. The category is the attribute that says why a license plate number is wanted in a hotlist.
Hit reject reasons
List of reasons for rejecting hotlist hits. These values also become available as Reject reason filter options for generating hit reports in Security Desk.
Hit accept reasons
A form that contains information Patroller users must provide when they accept a hit. The information from the hit form can be queried in the Security Desk Hit report.
Enable “No infraction” button
Select this option to enable the No infraction button in the Patroller hit survey. This button allows the Patroller user to skip the hit survey after enforcing a hit.

General settings - Overtime rule page

The Overtime rule page allows you to define the custom reject reasons for overtime hits. The values defined here are downloaded to Patrollers and are available as Reject reason filter options for generating hit reports in Security Desk.

One category is pre-configured for you when you install Security Center.

General settings - Permit page

The Permit page allows you to define the custom reject reasons for permit hits, and to select the minimum elapsed time for shared permit violations (University Parking Enforcement and City Parking Enforcement). The values defined here are downloaded to patrol vehicles and are available as Reject reason filter options for generating hit reports in Security Desk.

One category is pre-configured for you when you install Security Center.
Hit reject reasons
List of reasons for rejecting permit hits or shared permit hits. These values also become available as Reject reason filter options for generating hits reports in Security Desk.
Maximum elapsed time for shared permit violation
This parameter defines the time period used by University Parking Enforcement patrol vehicles to generate shared permit hits. A shared permit hit is generated when two vehicles sharing the same permit ID are parked in the same parking area within the specified time period.

For example, let’s say you are using the default 120 minutes (two hours), and license plates ABC123 and XYZ456 are sharing the same parking permit. If Patroller reads plate ABC123 at 9:00 am, and then reads plate XYZ456 at 11:01 am, Patroller does not raise a hit because the time exceeds the 120 minutes.

General settings - Annotation fields page

The Annotation fields page allows you to define additional selectors to appear in Security Desk Reads or Hits report. To be valid, the selector must relate exactly to the information contained in the actual read or hit.

For example, if you configure CarModel and CarColor as an Enforced hit attribute (see Enforced hit attributes in Patroller), the Patroller user will be asked to enter the car’s model and color when enforcing a hit, and the information will be stored with the hit. Specifying CarColor as an Annotation field will allow the values entered by the user to be displayed in a Hits report.

You can also add user custom fields to annotation fields to associate a user’s metadata with individual reads and hits. This allows you to query and filter for the user custom fields in Security Desk Reads and Hits reports.