Adding analog monitors as alarm recipients - Security Center 5.12

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.12

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

To receive alarms on your physical analog monitors, you must create a monitor group, and then add that group as recipient of the alarm.

What you should know

When you receive alarms on an analog monitor, high priority alarms do not replace lower priority alarms that are displayed on the monitor.
IMPORTANT: If you add more than one analog monitor to a monitor group, the first analog monitor in the list will receive the highest priority alarm, the second analog monitor will receive the second highest priority alarm, and so on. The last analog monitor in the monitor group list will receive all the other alarms.


  1. Open the Alarms task, and click the Monitor groups view.
  2. Click Monitor group (), and type a name for your monitor group.
  3. Select the monitor group, and click the Monitors tab.
  4. At the bottom of the page, click , select the analog monitors to be part of the monitor group, and then click OK.

    You can select multiple analog monitors by holding the Shift or Ctrl keys.

  5. Click Apply.
  6. In the Alarms task, click the Alarms view, select an alarm, and then click the Properties tab.
  7. In the Recipients section, click , select the monitor groups to be recipients of the alarm, and then click OK.
  8. Click Apply.


When the alarm is triggered, the video associated with the alarm is shown on the physical analog monitor.