Adding conditions when creating event-to-actions for license plate reads - Security Center 5.12

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.12

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

When creating event-to-actions for license plate reads, you can specify more conditions based on Sharp analytics to trigger an action. For example, you can specify that an action occurs only when the plate number contains “123” or the vehicle is traveling at a certain speed.

What you should know

  • You must type conditions as an expression that contains an identifier, operator, and a text or numeric value. For example, [PlateNumber] = "ABC123". To know more about the operators and identifiers that you can use, see Elements used in event-to-action conditions for license plate reads.
  • You must type identifiers in square brackets: [PlateNumber].
  • You must type text values in quotation marks: "ABC123".
  • You can use AND and OR to combine multiple expressions. You can use parentheses to force the order of the evaluation. For example, if you type [Speed] > 20 AND [Speed.unit] = "mph") OR ([Speed] > 50 AND [Speed.Unit] = "km/h" the AND operator takes precedence.
  • You can use the exclamation point (!) to exclude an expression. For example, if you type [PlateNumber] contains "123" AND !([PlateState] = "QC"), any plate reads with a plate number that contains the value "123" and a plate state other than "QC" trigger an action.
  • Sharp analytics are not generated 100% of the time. If the Sharp unit cannot generate the analytic specific in the condition, an event-to-action might not be triggered. For example, if the condition is [Speed] > 50 and the Sharp unit cannot produce a value for speed, Security Center evaluates the condition as being false and the action is not triggered.
  • When the outputs of a SharpZ3 base unit are used to control building access through event-to-actions in Security Center, rebooting the base unit causes the outputs to activate, which could lead to the opening of the access point. This output behavior is not ideal for access control, but is required to power the in-vehicle computer on vehicle startup. Create an event-to-action in Security Center that will send a "Normal" state to the outputs following a "Unit Connected" event. The access points will still open, but will close shortly afterward.


  1. Open the Automation task and click the Actions view.
  2. From the Domain list, select ALPR.
  3. Click Add an item ().
  4. From the When list in the Event-to-action dialog box, select License plate read.
  5. Click Specify a condition and type the expression.
    Tip: Hover your mouse over the field for examples of valid expressions. The field appears in red if the expression you enter is invalid.
  6. In the From list, select the ALPR unit that triggers the event.
  7. In the For list, select the desired entity.
  8. From the Action list, select an action type and configure its parameters.
    If you select Add plate information to the hotlist, you must also select the required hotlist.
    Example of event-to-action, highlighting the new event-to-action.
  9. In the Effective option, click Always and select a schedule when this event-to-action is active.
    If the event occurs outside of the defined schedule, the action is not triggered.
  10. Click Save.
    The Save button is only available when all the arguments required by the event-to-action type are specified.

After you finish

You can temporarily disable event-to-actions for maintenance or troubleshooting by turning off Enabled. For more information, see Modifying event-to-actions.